Hind-sight Investing

We are well aware of the disclaimer “past performance is no guarantee of future results”. Despite this the most common method of investing in mutual funds remains by looking at the past performance. It’s quite intuitive to assume that something that was a good investment in the recent past is still a good investment.

However, it’s not that simple. Our study shows that there is a limited probability of getting investment decisions right which are solely based on historical data. Let us illustrate this with some examples of the recent past.

The below table comprises of last 22 years of data which to our mind is comprehensive. Funds were ranked based solely on performance for pre-defined time buckets. As you can see, in the 1 year bucket 35% of the funds continued to be top performers and 65% could not retain their position. Similarly, in the 3 year bucket 74% of the funds could not retain their position.

Review period: 31st Jan 2000 – 31st Dec.
2023 Investments in top performing funds
based on 1 – 3 yr track record



The top 25% of the funds on basis of performance are assigned Q1, next 25% are assigned Q2 and so on.

If we translate the above numbers in terms of probability, your chance of selecting a top performing fund basis past performance is lesser than winning a coin toss!

Just like we don’t drive a car looking at the rear view mirror, investment decisions too should not be based on mere past performance. In fact to our mind one needs to go beyond the norm of return based analysis to arrive at investment decisions.

As the age old adage goes “bet on the jockey, not the horse”, the same holds true for investment wherein you lay your bet on the manager and not the fund. So how does one go about it? In line with our philosophy of empowering you, we take this opportunity to provide you an understanding of our “manager selection methodology”.

(Methodology notes: Date range period 2000-2023, calendar year returns, all open-ended equity schemes, AUM cut off 250cr as on 31st Dec 2023)

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